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Literature Annie Blake ![]() Biography Annie Blake (BTeach, GDipEd) is a divergent thinker, a wife and mother of five children. She commenced school as an EAL student and was raised and, continues to live in a multicultural and industrial location in the West of Melbourne. She enjoys experimenting with Blanco’s Symmetrical and Asymmetrical Logic to explore consciousness and the surreal and phantasmagorical nature of unconscious material. Her work is best understood when interpreting them like dreams. She is an advocate of autopsychoanalysis and a member of the C G Jung Society of Melbourne, Australia. You can visit her on annieblakethegatherer.blogspot.com.au and facebook.com/profile.php?id=100009445206990. Her Experimental Fiction ‘The Moon and the Sun are Intemperate and Inferno’ has been nominated for the Best of the Net 2019 and the 2020 Pushcart Prize by Menacing Hedge. My poem ‘The Toys We Play With’ has been nominated for the 2019 Pushcart Prize by Misfitmagazine.net/. Her Fiction ‘How I Swallowed a Snake’ has been nominated for the 2018 Pushcart Prize by The Slag Review. Also, her poem ‘These Grey Streets’ was nominated for the 2017 Pushcart Prize by Vine Leaves Literary Journal. Her work has been published or is forthcoming in Sweet Tree Review, Mookychick, Metapsychosis, Amethyst Review, Semicolon Literary Journal, Moria Literary Magazine, Hypnopomp, Petrichor Journal, Midway Journal, Little Rose Magazine, Vine Leaves Press, Slippage Lit., Mojave River Review, The Wellington Street Review, Kairos, Dream Pop, New Mystics, Grimoire Magazine, The Courtship of Winds, Spilled Milk Magazine, Witch Craft Magazine, Boned, Gasher Journal, Anomalous Press, Visitant, Lonesome October Lit, Menacing Hedge, The Cerurove, The Wax Paper, Neologism Poetry Journal, Blakelight, Minetta Review, Hungry Chimera Magazine, The Writing Disorder, The Lark, Misfitmagazine.net/, The Furious Gazelle, Gone Lawn, Futures Trading, Cat on a Leash Review, 45th Parallel, Communion Arts Journal, Borrowed Solace, Gambling the Aisle, The RavensPerch, West Texas Literary Review, Typehouse Literary Magazine, Riggwelter Press, Lady Blue Literary Arts Journal, The Hunger, The Slag Review, Sky Island Journal, Trampset, Anomaly Literary Journal, Haikuniverse, North of Oxford, Blue Heron Review, Mascara Literary Review, Red Savina Review, Antipodes, Uneven Floor, The Voices Project, Into the Void, Southerly, Hello Horror, Verity La, GFT Press, About Place Journal, Gravel, Australian Poetry Journal, Cordite Poetry Review and elsewhere. Click below for Annie's work More Poems (.pdf) NEW!!! 10 Poems (.pdf) Poems (.pdf) |