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Literature Ed Baker ![]() Biography Ed Baker is an artist and poet who resides in Takoma Park, Md. He is 67. Artist Statement I (mostly) just watch and wait for something to happen; and, something always does. in the case of Neighbor ... well I had not written a single thing between 1978 and 1998 the ... ALL OF A SUDDEN, POW! out my window … seen … 'this' goddess ... my (next-door) neighbor! like, getting woke-up instantaneously all of a sudden goddess, kama, 'me', 'her', poems, images, art e v e r y w h e r e… and I realized (not so much the "things" produced.. but, that, I, was, (am), "them"… so, inside and outside became just as it is, s a m e … no need to differentiate now, then, or later... add a little western angst (Freud, Rilke, Celan, Sartre, etc) and my own brand of zen/religion/attitude a dash of my humour... and 67 years of my own experiences/memories a sprinkle of wanton-desire then POWW ... we (I) get long poems and non-stop images: Neighbor G oo dnight Stone Girl Wild Orchid full moon Things Just Come Through Restoration Poems al 1998–2008 priorly (1970–1978): Song of chin Points/Counterpoints Okeanos Rhoos The City Re:circulation Hexapoems 1 Hexapoems 2 Hexapoems 3 so, there are (also) 10,000 poems 10,000 haiku 10,000 water colors (mostly “her”/goddesses) 623 3-d pieces below is a piece just done this morning [12/17/2008] (three goddess "in the wind"): ![]() Click here to see more of Ed's artwork! NEW!!! Ed’s website: http://edbaker.maikosoft.com His work also appears in Sketchbook: A Journal for Eastern & Western Short Forms. Interviews with Ed: http://tobaccoroadpoet.blogspot.com http://dbqp.blogspot.com/2008/11/at-border-of-silver-and-tacky.html Ed's UMA|book of sketches of the goddess in Sarojini Satoo's novel The Dark Abode: http://www.redroom.com/publishedwork/the-dark-abode and some questions that he answers at bottom of this article: http://www.redroom.com/blog/sarojini-sahoo/conversation-ed-baker Books Published: Butcher of Oxen (Doxie Press, 1972) The City (Red Ochre Press, 1972) Song of Chin (draft #12) (tel let, 2005) Wild Orchid w/sumi-e by Fay Chin (tel let, 2002) Things Just Come Through (Red Ochre Press, 2005) Twenty Four Ways of Seeing w/sumi-e by Fay Chin (tel let, 2002) Okeanos Rhoos (Johns Hopkins, 1972) RESTORATION LETTERS: correspondence 1972–1978 (Cid Corman–Ed Baker) RESTORATION POEMS: 1972–2007 (Country Valley Press, 2008) ![]() countless poems published in: Athanor Cold Spring Journal Flute Alaph Hummingbird South x Southeast Modern Haiku Odyessus haigaonline PoetryBridge Moonset etc. ![]() Moonset Literary Newspaper Click below for Ed's work HEXAPOEMS II (.pdf) Neighbors 1: Arousal (.pdf) Neighbors 2: Calling You (.pdf) Neighbors 3: Shades (.pdf) Neighbors 4: FU:SION (.pdf) Neighbors 5: Intersection (.pdf) Neighbors 6: Afterwards (.pdf) |